Curriculum Insights and Reflections

Oklahoma Academic Standards

Edmond Public Schools is required by Oklahoma to teach the Oklahoma Academic Standards. EPS prides itself on not being average so our teachers go beyond the state minimums to give our students the best learning experience possible. As a board member I will continue to encourage the district to teach BEYOND the Oklahoma Academic Standards.

Do you know about EPS and Aviation?

EPS offers Career Tech programs, including Aviation I, Aviation II, and Aircraft Maintenance I, providing students with hands-on opportunities in the aviation industry.

EPS Agriculture Courses

Do you know about EPS Agriculture Courses?

EPS offers Agriculture Education and it is more than just animal science. Students can learn about horticulture, power mechanics & equipment and more. Check out the various AgEd courses offered.

EPS Agriculture Courses

Do you know about EPS Business Courses?

Students can learn about money management and business law.

Here are some class descriptions that are geared for students who are interested in the business world. I believe students should have the opportunity to choose business classes that teach them budgeting and career skills that prepare them for post graduation life.

Edmond Public Schools Business Courses

Do you know about EPS Marketing Courses?

In these classes, students can learn marketing and entrepreneurship skills.  They will learn how to develop their brand and be successful in whatever career path they decide.

Edmond Public Schools Marketing Courses

Board Member Goal

As your EPS School Board District 5 member, I will continue to advocate for the introduction of new elective disciplines that engage students and enhance their educational experiences.

Check out the full listing of EPS Courses